Thursday, 28 December 2006

The Muse's Top Ten for 2007

I have heaps of things I'd like to do but in order to create my top ten goals for 2007, I've narrowed it down to the things I would really stoke on achieving by the end of the year. So here they are -

1. Maintain an eating plan based on whole foods and without refined sugar
Those who've read my other blog know that sugar is a huge problem for me. My health is an even bigger problem and is intrinsically linked to my diet. This year I am committing to sorting out my health and if that means giving up refined sugar, then so be it.

2. Go overseas at least once (and meet Shiny!)
It's been 3 years since I've been overseas and my passport needs the dust shaken off it. Travel is good for the soul and even better if combined with an adventure with Shiny!

3. Have my fitness at the level of "good"
I was going to make this a fitness event based goal but the reality is that I could complete an event and still not even be remotely fit so I've come up with something that requires a more consistent level of effort.

4. Lose 20kg
Would mean there'd be a whole lot of clothes in my wardrobe I'd be able to wear again.

5. Write, dance, paint, photograph, create
Adopt a creative project to complete each month

6. Reduce my spending - especially during the work day
The less I spend the more I save. The more I save the more money I have for other more interesting things. And really I do not need to buy my lunch every single day!

7. Become an early bird - especially during the week
This may be the toughest one of all but I got into some very sloppy waking up habits in 2006 and it has to change.

8. Make significant progress towards sorting out my health problem

9. Do at least 3 things that scare me or things I wouldn't normally do
Say yes when I'd normally say no and try new things - who knows, I might just like it!

10. Spend more time with friends and make new friends
Friends are the family you choose and you can never have enough

Here are my B-List goals - these are the things I won't flip out about if it doesn't happen
1. Get my teeth checked and fixed if necessary
2. Develop a relationship with a man who appreciates my qualities and my quirks

Sunday, 24 December 2006

The Muse's Year in Review - 2006

I have to be honest. 2006 hasn't been the crackerjack year I was hoping for. However, I do have high hopes for 2007 and I'd love to be able to look back on the 31st of December 2007 and be genuinely chuffed with all I've achieved and done. So let's take at look at the highs and lows of 2006:

The Highlights
  • Bought a really fab apartment overlooking Wellington Harbour. Best of all - no more gardening!
  • Perservered with my job and am now really enjoying it
  • Competed in a 10k race - ok so I nearly had a cardiac arrest but I did it...
  • Cut off a dysfunctional relationship when it would have been easy to continue
  • Wasn't as depressed over winter as I have been in previous winters
  • Befriended my blogging partner in crime Miss Ruby
  • Starting working on a major health issue
  • Found a great drug (not class A) that has cleared up my migraines signficantly
The Lowlights
  • Gained weight...heaps of weight
  • Not a huge amount of progress in sorting out my major health issue
  • Another failed relationship
  • Didn't train and get fit like I said I would
  • Took way too many sick days
  • Didn't save and take overseas trip as planned
  • 3 less friends - 2 who left town and 1 friendship that I chose to end
So yeah...not the greatest year on record. That title still goes to 1996 - that year rocked! But I'm feeling optimistic about all that's ahead and all that I'd like to, and the only way is up!!

Friday, 22 December 2006

shiny's 'wow moments'

At the end of 2007 I would love to look back and ask myself, what moments did I get completely excited by? What moments were my 'wow moments'? So thinking along those lines, here are some Top Ten goals for 2007:

1. pay off my credit card by August - $3000 will hopefully be done before august!
2. go overseas, meet m! meet the world :)
3. save $1000 - and keep it in an emergency fund
4. do the freelance writing course in february
5. get 3 articles published - including one in Frankie mag
6. exercise twice a week
7. have at least 2 x alcohol free days each and every week
8. make yoga a priority - again improve my personal practice
9. learn to relax - stop working 7 days a week, and when I have a day off, do something conducive to relaxation (be it massage, meditate, sleep, stretch, watch a movie etc)
10. start eating better - more homecooked meals, less takeaway

But all in all, if I achieve the following, I'll be happy -> I need to enjoy life for what it is, be grateful for what I have, don't be so hard on myself and keep on trying!

Thursday, 21 December 2006

15 resolutions you should keep... (so the mags say)

Before we start posting our own goals for the year, here's a list that grabbed my eye today. 2007 : it's gonna be the year that rocks that party that rocks the party :)

1. enjoy being single!
just because you're flying solo doesn't mean you have to be miserable.
see it as a chance to focus on doing things that make you happy and enjoy the fact that you don't have to answer to anyone else! If you want to find love, accept every date you're asked on - take a risk!

2. banish bad habits
be it smoking, drinking, taking drugs, or biting your fingernails!

3. get a check up

4. record your memories
print out your digi pics, organise your albums. what's the point of taking pics if you can't show them off?

5. have more fun
explore restaurants outside your local area, or go to markets, concerts, festivals and the theatre. do things to make you laugh, instead of just staying at home. and best of all, smile. it works :)

6. be more patient

7. give back to the community
you don't have to be brangelina to make a difference. donate to vinnies, do some volunteer work, check out your local permaculture garden, or give to charity.

8. reconnect with your friends
call your pals you haven't spoken to in a while

9. get dressed up more
it's an instant way to make yrself feel sexy ;)

10. take more holidays
forget the big trips - but take regular mini breaks instead to revive your body and mind. go for a weekend interstate, or a road/train trip to the country. Even having yr morning coffee in the local park gives you a breath of fresh air!

11. learn a new skill
not to further your career or because you 'have to', but just because you want to. Learn first aid, take a self-defence course, or join a knitting group.

12. relax more
take pleasure in the small things - a beautiful sunset, being barefoot in the grass, just stop and take a big breath!

13. spread the love
say "I love you" more. simple, but effective.

14. get serious about your diet and exercise
each year we say we're gonna do it but then slip back into old habits. Instead of just making more excuses, just start today. Run, gym, walk, yoga, body pump, more fruit... choose something, anything, and do it now!

15. go easy on yourself!
if you can't keep your resolutions, don't make any! instead, have a think about how you can do things differently and make small changes throughout the year.

Happy 2007 :)