Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Just do it!

Oh la la la, I'm excited! You know when you have those friends (or it could be yourself!) who always say.. this is the year I'm going to ..... (insert exciting fun thing to do here) .......?

Well, I do that.. and I've got friends that do that, so when one of them suggested we go to the ballet, I shot up and said there was one in particular I wanted to watch : Swan Lake, the male version. Yeh!

So come March, that's where I'm going to be.

And come this weekend, I'm TRAPEZING!

Stay tuned for photos.
This goal is happening!!!

Monday, 19 February 2007

Exercise is Fun!

Repeat until you believe it!

Actually believe it or not I am actually enjoying my sessions with the trainer. She makes me huff and puff like a steam train but that's not a bad thing I guess. Especially since it's the only way I'm actually going to get anywhere near the "Good" Fitness level. It's interesting that the thing I'm most struggling with in my strength training is the cardio aspect of it. It's not the aching legs or the sore arms that are letting me down (much!) but the breathlessness of having to squat and do shoulder presses at the same time. Oh that's the other thing I've discovered! I'm a real unco. Watching me multi-task in order to squat/shoulder press or lunge/arm pull back thingy must be hilarious. Oh well...I CAN do it (as I keep telling myself) and that's the main thing!

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Break it down, James Brown!

Ok, let’s not talk about the plans that haven’t worked up until this moment. Instead, I’m focusing on the here and now, and breaking it all down into numbers numbers numbers. A bit of a budget to achieve this plan.

March • April • May • June • July

This means I have 5 months to pay off the damn card (more than enough!) – that equals $600 a month, or roughly $150 a week.

The way to do this:
1) Each week starting next week, I will earn $100 a week from yoga – this will go IMMEDIATELY onto the credit card.
2) Each pay (fortnight) I will put $100 to the cc as well.

In 3 more weeks (come mid-March) I will be earning $150 a week from yoga (so $50 more) so I keep the same payments up and the card will be paid off a little earlier.

There.. can breathe a little easier now! This really looks achievable!

Monday, 12 February 2007

*sigh* i'm in a funk


I was hoping to get this year off to a flying start - and I kinda did. I worked HEAPS, in fact, didn't stop, but this silly tax stuff meant I got paid less than half of what I was expecting. This has completely put me behind in everything, with mounting bills to pay.

Good stuff - I know I'll get a nice refund at tax time, but for the moment, I'm in that black cloud and feeling a bit in over my head... again.

Gee Picasso, I hear you about your post below. It's bloody hard sometimes.

I was watching The Biggest Loser tonight and it's inspiring, you know? Here are these ppl really changing their lives and putting it all on the line. Well, some of them. It's great. And I know we can all do this too. Not with weight, but with our own battles.

I guess that as well as following our own posts in this blog, it's about inspiring others to some degree. Gee, we're all human. We all fall down. But it's about getting back up again and I hope I'm getting back up again soon in regards to a few things....

Here we go.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Be Aggressive! B-E Aggressive!!

If you are reading the title of this post and have a yearning to step from side to side and clap rhythmically - then Bring It On Funk Soul Sisters! You know exactly what we're talking about!!

I've been playing round with Goals 1,3 & 4 for a month and really getting nowhere. In fact, with Goal 3 I've actually progressed in the wrong direction. Time to do something about it and step up my efforts. So I've started a 12 week programme that my gym offers called Body Revolution. I have an eating plan to follow and I'll have two personal training sessions a week. Plus I'll have to do a whole lot of extra cardio the rest of the time. By the end of the 12 weeks I want to reduce my fat percentage by 5% and I want to be of "average" fitness. Hopefully not too much to ask if I put the work in.

It's going to mean some major lifestyle changes including:
* Going to bed a lot earlier
* Waking up at 6am and exercising in the morning
* Having breakfast
* Having a proper dinner
* Choosing low fat
* Planning and organising my food in advance

Phew! I'm not freaking out. Honest I'm not!! I really want to see some results so I'm going to think like an athlete and pursue this for all it's worth. Be Aggressive! B-E Aggressive is my new motto (and I think Shiny's too but for completely different reasons) so bring it on!!

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Life resumes..

So great news - I got a job! I've finished up at bdo and I'm really looking forward to starting a somewhat normal-ish life as of tomorrow! Monday to Friday full time work, weekends for me, and regular hours.

So here's a bit of a weekly plan regarding exercise this week:
Monday - morning walk
Tuesday - morning walk
Wednesday - 6am yoga at Yoga Synergy with Simon
Thursday - 6.30am yoga at Samadhi Yoga with Amelia
Friday - 6am yoga at Yoga Synergy with Simon
Saturday - walk
Sunday - rest day

* take lunch to work every day

This week I start my yoga course (Wed & Fri), and I will be going to yoga each Thursday with Mary. I want to keep up with the walking - even just a 10 minute quick walk most days minimum, so let's see how this all goes : )

Thursday, 1 February 2007

No More Stuff

I have no idea where my money goes. There. I said it. I know there's some that goes towards paying off my credit card when I have a periodic blow out and there's food and bus fares and petrol etc. But on the whole I'm really not sure where a lot of it goes. Shame on me:(

So February is going to be a little bit different.

I'm going to track my spending AND I'm going to tell you at the end of the month how much I spent in total on the following categories:
Meals Out
Junk Food - I want to be shamed into submission!!
Entertainment - movies, pub etc
Transport - bus fares, petrol and parking
Clothes (including make up, accessories etc)
Incidentals - library fees, magazines etc

I'm also going to post how much I saved.

As part of my February mission to start cutting back on my rampant consumerism, I'm going to participate in a Spend Free Week - that's right - I'm taking a shopping sabatical for a whole week. I'd love to be able to do it for the whole month like the crew on No More Stuff. Wish me luck and I'll report back for better or worse on the 28th.