Sunday, 1 April 2007

Step by Step inspiration

How does a mouse eat an elephant? Bite by Bite.

There is some cute little quote very similar to the above, and while it conjures up all these crazy images, it is very eloquent in its delivery. You don't start out exercising by doing 3 circuits and a marathon in a day. You don't start lifting weights by going gung-ho with 100kgs off the bat. No, you break it down. Step by Step.

So here is some simple inspiration to give us gals the motivation to see results and to help break things down... step by step.

3 goals in 3 days:

- one x 20 min walk over the next three days, listening to fun music. You don't have to let exercise be a habit, you just do it because you have to. Like you have calcium strong stuff to make yr bones strong..... 20 mins specifically, not just incidental.

- OK! Write down 5 of your values. Then, write down 5 ways you can achieve one tiny step towards these values. You don't have to activate these steps, but just see some small ways of how you can implement them into your life.

- last, taken from 43things. Stick a post it note up on yr bathroom mirror TONIGHT, reminding yrself to say something nice to yrself each of these 3 days in the mirror. Every day, say somthing nice to yourself in the mirror.

- You need to write down your plan for Monday's eating - food every 2-3 hours with protein at every meal.

- Meditate for 5-10 mins each of the 3 days

- Write down 3-5 things you would like to do in your ideal day. Choose a whole day when you will have your ideal day and do it!!!

1 comment:

Picasso's Muse said...

I achieved most of these. Yay me!