Sunday, 8 April 2007

1/4 of the way through the year...

SCARY!! This year has gone way too fast although sometimes I feel like that's a good thing. It's not going to go down as one of the greats I suspect. It's my own fault though - I tend to put "life on hold" til I think I'm ready to participate. Hey it's only 1/4 of the way through the year so things can only get better!!

One thing I've realised is that work sucks up too much of my life, even when I'm not there. I become so drained that I can't find the energy to do much else. I need to sort out that whole work to live vs live to work thing.

Anyway enough musing. Let's see how my goals are going:
1. Diet - I'm really trying to work towards this one. It's always going to be a work in progress but I'm making the effort.
2. Travel - I hope I get to go somewhere (anywhere!) near the end of the year. I'm going to start using my savings account to get ready for this.
3. Fitness - I'm seeing a trainer who I really like but ultimately I am just a very lazy person. I admit it! I can find far too many reasons not to exercise (too tired, don't feel good and don't feel like it are the main ones) rather than just getting on and doing it. I keep reading about people who say that even after years of exercise, they still don't like it - they just do it. And I need to too.
4. Weight - So far this year I've gained weight. And that's on top of the weight I gained last year. I'm a weight gaining maniac!! But at last the scales are going down. My first goal is to lose this year's weight and we'll take it from there. Optimistic.
5. Creativity - Reviving my interest in photography. Thinking of joining Batucada - but nervous about the committment that requires. Want to paint again but don't for no particular reason.
6. Money - I haven't really reduced my spending during the work day to date, but I'm hoping this changes with my changing diet. I think my money management is getting a little better so feeling okay about this one.
7. Punctuality - I am getting to work a lot earlier than I did last year. Now if only I could get up early enough to actually walk there or do some exercise beforehand...
8. Giving up on this one.
9. New experiences - I'm playing indoor netball and I've camped. This is proving my theory that if you try new things you may just end up liking them.
10. Giving up on this one too.

So I need to come up with two new goals. One needs to be around relaxation and work/life balance (maybe incorporating meditation into my day and having regular massages) and I'm not sure about the last one...

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